Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dynamic Duo

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for sending these lovely matching shirts for us all the way from Thailand. These shirts rock! BTW don't I look more dashin than Mushu.

Go Team ScootandToot!!!


Thursday, December 24, 2009

X-mas Eve with the family

Here's a photo of me and my cousin. She is so awesome!! Right now I'm being hypnotized by snacks on the coffee table. I can't wait to open up my x-mas gifts tomorrow.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Farewell Turkey....

Soo it's all over now. That turkey was history since the fist time I laid eyes on it. This pug however is NOT stuffed. I'm ready for 3rds. For those out there please send more food to the save a pig, I mean pug foundation. Your contributions will not be wasted I will see to it myself that every morsel eaten.

Don't you just love our x-mas tree?? I decorated it myself. Okay, not really i lied but you should love it still. Hope you enjoy the photos.


"I want that one and that one and please pass that one..."

My very retarded brother

It's me Scoot!!! I'm so handsome. I should be a model.

Holiday Pug

The before

The After

Daddy putting the finishing touches on the tree

Check it out!! My very own special ornament

Lights on folks!

Our Magical Tree

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!!!

This is a photo from my very first Thanksgiving taken in 2005

Hello everyone today is my 5th Thanksgiving with my family. I love it!!! The smell of good home cooking is flowing all over the house. I can't wait to get a piece of that huge turkey grandma's cooking. It's almost as big as me. Anyhow I also love this day because traditionally we put up the Christmas tree. Yea!! Finally another thing I can pee on in the house!
Well, I wanna wish everyone a happy holiday. Hope everyone has the opportunity to spend time with their family. Oh yeah don't worry about me if I happen to gain 10 lbs today it's okay. I'm not watching my weight.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

My first posting

Here's a little bit about me and my blog. My name is Scooter and I was born in Clarissa, MN on January 6, 2005 This will make me 5 years old next January. Shortly after I was born all kinda of people came and picked up my brothers and sisters. I was the last one there. It seemed like nobody wanted me and I was getting lonely. Well on the night of March 11, 2005 my new parents came from 3 hours away to pick me up. I guess thatsaved the best for last after all.

Pictures of me in Clarissa before my new mommy and daddy. How could you not want to take me home? I'm so adorable

Pictures of me at my new home in Eagan, MN. It was quite a long drive but I slept in my mommy's lap the entire time. Finally "Home Sweet Home!"